PSW Performance Success Workshop

(1 day intensive course)

Perform better, be more authentic and speak more fully and soundfully – in this workshop you will lay the foundation for your success – at work and in everyday life.
(Food + course materials are included in the price)


(1 day intensive course)

You want to perform better? Speak better in front of an audience without being nervous? And your voice could also sound rounder and fuller – without a lump in your throat?
Then learn in this workshop to put you as a “brand” much better in the light.
Learn to use your very own calling card – your voice – as an unmistakable trademark and to express with it what moves you and is close to your heart. Learn to be a better performer – whether on stage or in a video or podcast.

Contents of this workshop:

  • 6-point LoKey body corrections
  • .

  • Relieving tension
  • 3-point OHA breath corrections
  • Body-Voice Integration
  • Full voice sound via resonant spaces
  • Voice health despite high stress
  • Targeted communication
  • Be present
  • Expression and emotionality without pressure
  • Handle stressful situations vocally
  • Convincing performance

Duration: 9 am – 6:00 pm

This is what participants had to say about the workshop:

The day to the voice with Wiebke was great cinema. I found the aspect on “voice and space” especially brilliant. I now know how to create a Dolby Surround effect with my voice, which is extremely important when speaking a lot in front of larger groups and audiences. A big thank you, Wiebke!
(Alice Westphal, Health Coach)

Wiebke Huhs understands it excellently that you feel well taken care of from the first second and thus work quite naturally on such a big ego topic, as it is your own voice, casually. The results “speak” for themselves. I would never have expected to understand so much in just one day and to be able to implement it right away. Many thanks! (Ansgar Wimmer, Agility expert)

When you are on stage, you are often very busy with the “hardfacts”: how do I build my speech, what content do I want to convey, what main message should my audience take away. …
Wiebke Huhs shows impressively how important the voice is in the performance. And not only theoretically. .”
She herself is the living example. She shows impressively how voice can work and how much it can also not work and how that sounds then. And the best: she did not let me off the hook! I had to practice practice practice practice…. Because only then you learn to use your voice. Thank you Wiebke, I will now always think of you when I enter a stage! (Ilona Vogel, Expertin for leadership and successful team)


09.07.2022 – 9.00 – 18.00 clock

PSW Performance Success Workshop

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